Smoke-free Guestrooms

Non-smoking rooms are in more demand daily. Get on the bandwagon and provide more smoke-fee rooms for your guests. In fact, take it a step further by making entire floors smoke-free. You and your guests will benefit.

Your guests benefit because they will feel healthier and their clothes won't reak of tobacco smoke. You benefit because you will attract more guests, you won't have to move guests to rooms that are satisfactory to them, and you won't have to go the effort and expense of cleaning a room that's been smoked in.

Rooms that have been smoked in make it difficult for people with allergies and sensitivites to be there. You don't want to lose that business, and you don't want to send any of your guests to the hospital with breathing problems.

The smoke residue embeds itself in all surfaces, making it virtually impossible to clean the room. The oils slowly destroy the fibers and materials they are embedded in, which means you have to replace curtains, carpet, upholstery, and wall surfaces more often than you otherwise would.